• The only Certainty about the Future is the Fact that the Future is Uncertain

    Dr. Luis Vera Pedro

    Since its inception, BONWS Seguros S.A. has been adding value by providing financial peace of mind as well as stability to its clients and ensuring that the financial consequences of their risks are handled.  more[...]  login_required

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    Dr. Luis Vera Pedro
  • A Bank of the Territory for the Territory

    Mara Simonini
    Banca Popolare di Sondrio

    Banca Popolare di Sondrio was founded in Sondrio in 1871 and was one of the first Italian banks inspired by the popular cooperative banking movement. Thanks to the gradual extension of its activities and territorial presence, over the years the bank has taken on a supra-regional dimension, with extensive operational abilities throughout Italy, while maintaining a strong link with its area of origin.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Transformers: Age of Development

    Marina Ee, Shakalin Energy
    Natalia Gonchar, Sakhalin Energy Investment Company
    Sakhalin Energy

    When the new global strategy Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was introduced to the world in 2015, it quickly became clear to the business community that the time for tacit support was over: Companies are expected to play a significant role in meeting and advancing the Fab 17 – the 17 SDGs. They now face a choice: Either they can sail along or show courage and join efforts with other players to end poverty, protect the planet, and drive peace and prosperity for all.  more[...]

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  • Dare to Dream: Bold for Change

    Thu Min Si
    Max Energy

    When talking about Max Energy, it is necessary to also talk about Max Myanmar Holding Co., Ltd. One of the reasons is the founder, U Zaw Zaw, who not only has an interest in developing the capacity-building capabilities of the country but also in moving Myanmar forward.  more[...]

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  • Helping Entrepreneurs Accelerate Progress Toward the SDGs

    Steve Krouskos
    Ernst & Young

    At EY, we believe everyone should be able to contribute toward and share in the benefits of economic growth. With billions of people still living without affordable access to essential goods and services, that may feel a long way from reality. We are proud to be working with a new breed of impact investors and entrepreneurs who are making it their business to tackle this inequality, driving inclusive growth by generating better answers to some of society’s toughest challenges. When these businesses work better, the world works better, which is why helping to accelerate their growth and impact is a vital part of fulfilling our purpose of building a better working world.  more[...]

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  • SME Integrity in Egypt

    Jennifer Schoeberlein
    Quasay Salama
    Egyptian Junior Business Association

    The Integrity Network Initiative was established as a business-driven collective action network to strengthen integrity standards in the Egyptian business environment, to build the capacity of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and to tackle some of the most pressing corruption challenges affecting businesses in Egypt. It is implemented by the Egyptian Junior Business Association in cooperation with the United Nations Global Compact.  more[...]

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  • Six Ambitions Based on the UN’s SDGs and Included in our Strategic Program

    EDF Group

    In 2016, we decided on six corporate responsibility goals. They mark out the path we have set for ourselves to achieve our CAP 2030 strategy and take into account the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) laid down by the United Nations. Although the SDGs are not aimed directly at companies, we firmly believe that these goals cannot be met without the active contribution of business organizations. We fully embrace the global approach of the SDGs, while remaining aware that we are but one of the many actors in this movement.  more[...]

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  • The Author
  • Putting the Ten Principles Into Practice

    Henry Ephson
    Eclipse Microfinance Limited

    Eclipse Microfinance Limited (EML) was set up with a mandate from the Central Bank of Ghana to give credit to micro and small-scale businesses and individuals as well as offer investment opportunities to the public at large. Four years on, the company has touched many more lives than businesses through its social intervention strategy.  more[...]

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  • Starting Ventures

    Courtney Lee Hagewood
    David Moeller

    We want to contribute to a world that offers a sustainable future with a better quality of life for all and have anchored this in our corporate purpose: “We create chemistry for a sustainable future.” Innovations from the chemical industry play a key role, as they provide decisive contributions to a sustainable future with a growing world population. With our corporate program Starting Ventures, we want to empower people whose basic needs have not been met to help them improve their income potential and quality of life. We thereby contribute toward achieving the broader development goals of the United Nations.  more[...]

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  • Overcoming Barriers to Address Energy Poverty


    Today, approximately 1.2 billion people in the world lack access to electricity. A further 1 billion people are connected to the grid but suffer from unreliable electricity levels. With a mission of bringing power to the energy poor, SkyPower is focused on the development of utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) energy projects to provide green, clean, and affordable electricity to developing and emerging nations around the world.  more[...]

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  • Armacell sets new standards for the insulation industry

    Armacell Enterprise GmbH

    Armacell is setting new standards for the FEF technical insulation industry and defining the role of Environmental Product Declarations for the insulation market and for safe and energy-efficient green buildings.  more[...]

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  • Environmental Measurements For Weather and Climate Resilience

    Tomi Rintanen
    Dr. Kevin Petty

    In recent years, the need for improved weather and climate data and information has become increasingly evident. As urbanization continues and society becomes increasingly reliant on infrastructure and technology, humankind is more and more vulnerable to the effects of climate change, extreme weather events, and other environmental hazards. The protection of life and property is highly dependent on the availability of accurate, precise data and information. For more than 80 years, Vaisala has addressed the need for quality environmental data and information through numerous scientific and technological advancements, enabling individuals and groups to better diagnose and mitigate the impacts of climate change and high-impact weather.  more[...]

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  • Sharing Has Been Hijacked

    Lily Cole

    The “sharing economy” is today’s buzzword for Silicon Valley’s most recent batch of billion-dollar companies. So ring the headlines: $51 billion valuation for Uber; Chinese ride-hailing business Didi Kuaidi raising $4.42 billion; AirBnB valuation $10+ billion. In the last three years, the world has embraced this idea of the sharing economy. Who would have thought that a 23-year-old part-time student tooling around in her Prius would disrupt the transportation industry? Or that renting out your spare bedroom with the Star Wars sheets could make you part of the largest hotel network in the world?  more[...]

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    Lily Cole
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